Red and blue lights enveloped the entire room as the men watched the women dancing on the stage. the music is calm, the movements are soft, biting lips and even caressing their hair, that's how the women who work at this bar dance.
But one is special, the girl is worth a thousand pesos, the two of you will share one night, many are attracted by her charm, meet Krisha.
There is a man named Vince, 18 years old, rich, handsome, and innocent especially when it comes to sex.
One day when Vince's whole gang went to a bar and suddenly his friends tease him to check in someone.
“Oh gosh Vince, you should check in someone” his friend said.
“We can't left you here alone.” Teasing him while a woman is in his friend's lap.
“I'm good bro, just call me when you're drunk I have to go.” Vince is about to leave but they stopped him.
“No no no, if you're not gonna take someone then we will give you an empty room to stay, it's already 12:00 at midnight we will not allow you to go home”.
Vince can't say no so he followed his friend's advice but unfortunately when he entered the room someone was there, He decided to go out but the door was locked.
“What the?..” he whispered.
“Forced to be locked in a room with a girl?” Someone talks behind his back.
And he only say “yes.”
“I'm Krisha” - she offered her arms on him.
“Vince - the only word he said 'cause he” still speechless because he is with Krisha alone in a room.
After that Krisha tried to tease him but is a 100% virgin so he doesn't know what he's doing, Krisha almost laughed at him because of this incident, until they decided not to go ahead with what they were planning to do so they decided to talk about their lives.
It wasn't long before they became comfortable with each other that almost every night Vince paid Krisha to talk about what was going on in their day, Krisha couldn't hardly perform on stage because Vince was always there paying her daily.
They decided to meet everyday even Vince's day could never be complete without talking to Krisha, until the time comes that Vince has feelings for that girl, Vince just ignores it but he can't so he had the courage to admit his feelings to Krisha, and this girl almost cried when she heard that because she didn't think he would still like her despite her job, she also admitted that she had feelings for Vince.
Krisha's heart was very happy that day, because she didn't think that anyone would accept her. Vince promised her that he would marry Krisha and take her away from the poor state of life, but a day later Vince didn't showed up anymore and she thought he was busy with school works so he didn't go in, until a few weeks passed but no one showed up not even a shadow of Vince.
Krisha feels very sad, she can barely eat even if she can't sleep, she does nothing but cry every night.
One day came while she was performing in front of the stage, she stopped dancing when her manager called because there's someone was looking for her, she thought it was Vince but it wasn't, an old woman who was 42 years and you will notice that she's rich, they were given a private room to talk, and when the door has been closed the old woman talked.
“I can't stay in this dirty room for a long time, I'm Vince’s mother and I just want you to know that I don't want you for my son because you're an asshole! and above all I don' t want my son to end up with a call girl!, you should know your limitations!, you might forget that you are a girl who is used by men.”
“But I love him!.” Krisha can't hold it anymore but the only thing that
vince's mother do is slapped krisha until she got bruises in her face.
“Don't you ever touch my son, or else I'll punish you more.”
After that threat, Vince's mother left Krisha in the room.
A day passed, Krisha didn't expect Vince to visit her, Vince was shocked when he saw Krisha's bruises he was almost filled with anger at his mother, he explained to Krisha that he fixed the problem at their company so he couldn't visit Krisha for the whole week that haved passed, and he still kept his promise to keep her away from her situation, then Vince immediately drove Krisha to their house so they could face Vince's mother.
When they got home, he immediately went to his mother's room and said “you never have the right to hurt someone just because of their state in life!, and if you can't accept her for me?, You will never see me again!” Vince said angrily to his mother.
Vince chooses to stay away from his mother and won't come back until Krisha is accepted as part of the family, soon his mother accepted the fact that Vince truly loved Krisha and finally she let them get married.
It's like what some people say “It doesn't matter if you're a virgin or not, because it's up to us how we appreciate and respect the person we love and sometimes being a virgin is not a basis when it comes to love.”


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