This poem is a very interesting poem, written by Paulette Kelly in 1992. My teflection in this poem is obviously about a woman getting abused from the beginning stage of abuse. First he starts off calling her cruel things that really hurt her feelings, then apologizing after the fact it was already said. At his stage its emotional abuse. Then the abuse continues and more aggressively. 

He starts to physically abuse her, and threatened her life. She then starts to cover up herself to hide what was being done to her behind closed doors. Then her man beat her even more and she wasn’t able to hide the visible marking on her body, so she calls in sick at her employment. Then It gets worst within their relationship, She probably mention that she is tired of all the drama and abuse and wants to leave, but yet knowing that her man was the financial supporter, she didn’t leave. So s he forgives him as he say sorry again, probably promising her that “it will never happen again”. Well finally he kills her and she receives flowers for the last time. 

My feelings towards this poem, I actually had flashbacks of myself while I was in an abusive relationship. It started off actually just like this poem, and each time he seen tears in my eyes, marking by his fist or marking by objects thrown by him; I would always receive flowers or a gift with an apology and a promise that “it will never happen again”. So during that time in my life I’ve always told my inner self “he will change just wait a little longer and have hope for some kind of change”, because of all the promises he made. Well after hearing many broken 
