

  This poem is a very interesting poem, written by Paulette Kelly in 1992. My teflection in this poem is obviously about a woman getting abused from the beginning stage of abuse. First he starts off calling her cruel things that really hurt her feelings, then apologizing after the fact it was already said. At his stage its emotional abuse. Then the abuse continues and more aggressively.   He starts to physically abuse her, and threatened her life. She then starts to cover up herself to hide what was being done to her behind closed doors. Then her man beat her even more and she wasn’t able to hide the visible marking on her body, so she calls in sick at her employment. Then It gets worst within their relationship, She probably mention that she is tired of all the drama and abuse and wants to leave, but yet knowing that her man was the financial supporter, she didn’t leave. So s he forgives him as he say sorry again, probably promising her that “it will never happen again”. Well finally


  This poem entitles a A Poppy is like a different kinds of flowers that represent what happened in the war because war is all about blood, death, guns, and bombs.  The moral lesson of this is that you have to be strong no matter what trials come in your life. The flower poppy is not symbolizing the love anymore 


  The poem “Letter to Pedro, U.S. Citizen, also called Pete” is a response to the on-going reality of Filipino immigration to foreign countries to seek greener pastures due to a calamity of problems the Philippines is facing as reflected by the sentence enjambment, melancholic imagery, blatant satire and double persona. Aside from form, the author presents powerful melancholic imagery of the past relationship between the author and Pete or Pedro. The author accomplishes this by establishing a sense of difference in time wherein the past and the present are his main tools for comparison. In the thirteenth line, the unknown author describes how the river wherein the boys were circumcised (the act of becoming true men was often referred to by circumcision in the bible) is none existent because of the new bridge built on its foundations. This may symbolize how the common places and land that Pedro grew up in has drastically been altered since his departure; leaving these unrecognizable. Th


  This story tells us that we all have a choice. Our past is not a hindrance to change our future. “Kung ano ang puno siya rin ang bunga” this saying is PARTLY true. Partly?it is because all of us have choices. We can change the mistakes that our ancestors had done.               This story shows us also ehat is youth now a days. We are fragile and sensitive. There are lot of bad things that could influence us. People around ud can influence us its either positively or negatively. Its our decision what choice we will take. As a youth we should not rush things up. We should enjoy our teenage life first and think deeper in making decisions in life that could affect our future. We should shout out or speak out our opinions in life. We should not just keep our opinions especially if that opinion of ours can change the mistakes of others. As a reader of this story i felt sadden about what Dodong experience in his life, then we also felt anger for he forced his father to agree about marrying


  This story of Hilda Cordero shows on how the Supervisors or the head of the School interact with each other. I can see that one when I'm still in my grade school years. There were lots of food when the Supervisors visits our school. It was kind of crazy that the one who teaches us does not have a good values in their self. some teacher used their own pupils to be their maids at home and its not appropriate to them. I hope those teacher will now the right thing ang show what good moral is. A story that depicts the reality happening in public schools when high positioned people visits the school. They made impressions to earn high rates from the them. Basically, they are just pretending on what they are doing. Pretending though contributes good effect yet its not good actually. Becoming true to oneself is better than having a mask which people are already aware that you are just pretending. It will just cause shame to ourselves. As a student, i have experienced how the teachers tol


  Some of the people that get sick, they really wish to be dead as soon as possible. They forgot to think about the others. They forgot to think about the people the people that is still hoping that they will survive. In this story, I hope that this can inspire many people in the world that thinking of being dead. Sometimes in our life, there always comes a time where we want to give up. Why? Simple because we are already tired, we are already hurting and of course we always think that there are no more reasons for us to live in our world. But, the truth is there is, you just have to look around and appreciate everything that’s surround you. Don’t be too much selfish, you have to be selfless sometimes, not always. In Johnsy’s case, she forgot to think about Sue, the one that is been there for her. I understand what Johnsy feel, she is depressed, she feels like there are no more chance for her. We usually feel that everytime we face a big problem, we think we cannot solve it and it’s ok


 This poem  entitled as Dead Stars because when stars die, their glow diminishes then eventually vanishes like the feelings of Alfredo when he touches the hand of Julia when they see each other after a year, he realizes that the feelings that he had to her were gone. I believe that everything happens for a reason.   The story doesn’t only focus on the idea of love, but also, it exhibits how one conquers himself by understanding his true feelings. There was Esperanza who got victimized because Alfredo’s relationship with her must have ended. There was Julia who became the convenient excuse for the idea of infatuation. And there was Alfredo who was fooling himself into thinking that he was in love with a person, only to discover he wasn’t even in love at all. Sometimes people come into your life and you know right away that they were meant to be there, to serve some sort of purpose, teach you a lesson, or to help you figure out whom you are or who you want to become.  You never know who